The Skills Booster

Industrial Training
in Zirakpur

Start your training with industry experts!
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Industrial Training
in Zirakpur

Start your training with industry experts!
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Industrial Training in Zirakpur

Start your training with industry experts!
Why The Skills Booster

Why The Skills Booster?

  • Work on real-time projects
  • Free Demo Class for Students 
  • Trainers with years of experience
  • Trusted by more than 100 students
  • Official partners of Meta and Google
  • Guaranteed 100% placement assistance

Our Courses

Industrial training is an essential aspect of any student’s educational journey, as it helps them gain practical skills and knowledge in a professional environment.

Digital Marketing

  • 45 Days Training
  • 3 Months Training
  • 6 Months Training


  • 45 Days Training
  • 3 Months Training
  • 6 Months Training

word press

  • 45 Days Training
  • 3 Months Training
  • 6 Months Training

Graphic Designing

  • 45 Days Training
  • 3 Months Training
  • 6 Months Training

digital composite of business graphics with office background
Web Designing

  • 45 Days Training
  • 3 Months Training
  • 6 Months Training

Why The Skills Booster?

The Skills Booster encourage students to undertake industrial training for personal & professional growth. We provide students with a structured framework for acquiring practical skills and knowledge in a particular field.
Work on real-time projects
free demo Class
Free Demo Class for Students
The Skills Booster
Trainers with years of experience
Trusted by more than 100 students
Official partners of Meta and Google
Placement 100% job
Guaranteed 100% placement assistance

About this Course

The Skills Booster program is an excellent resource for students undergoing industrial training for varying periods. The program can provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen field, and equip them with valuable experience and insight into the industry.

Explore Our Courses

Industrial training is an essential aspect of any student’s educational journey, as it helps them gain practical skills and knowledge in a professional environment.

The Skills Booster encourage students to undertake industrial training for personal & professional growth. We provide students with a structured framework for acquiring practical skills and knowledge in a particular field. The program offers various modules in different areas of study, such as programming, marketing, and management.

Students who enroll in The Skills Booster program will gain access to industry experts, workshops, and practical training sessions that will equip them with the necessary skills for their future careers. This program not only helps students gain practical skills but also helps them build a professional network, which can be beneficial in the long run.

One of the advantages of industrial training in Zirakpur is the availability of diverse industries, which offer a range of training opportunities for students. For example, students interested in technology can pursue training in website development, web design, or digital marketing.

The Skills Booster also offers students a chance to work on real-life projects and gain experience working in a team. They can apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in their academic courses and witness its practical application. This experience can be invaluable when they enter the job market.

In conclusion, industrial training in Zirakpur can be an excellent opportunity for students to gain practical skills and knowledge. By promoting the Skills Booster program and organizing training initiatives, educational institutions and industries can work together to prepare the next generation of professionals.

Our Testimonials

Our Certifications
